Thirty Days of Prayer for My Husband – Day 14: Our Disagreements

“The beginning disagreement_is_not_hatredof strife is like letting out water, so quit before the quarrel breaks out.”   Proverbs 17:14

Lord, above all, I pray for unity in our marriage. I pray for clarity in any disagreement and control over our emotions. Help us, Lord to not speak before thinking and to ask for forgiveness, from you and from each other, when we do speak in an un-loving way.

We are human, Lord, and as two separate beings living as one, we are not always going to agree. But, Lord, I ask you to remind us when we start to stray from simple disagreement  and start down the rocky road to bickering. I pray for maturity when we reach a threshold of anger and ask you to remove this from our disagreements.

I turn the things that I know that we don’t see eye to eye on over to you, Lord Jesus. It seems that our biggest disagreement over the 39+ years has been about money. Satan knows my weaknesses and blinds me to the wisdom that my husband has when it comes to managing our finances. I have asked for forgiveness more than once on this issue, but we have never go to the point where we go to bed angry; maybe a little disappointed, but never angry. I ask Lord that you continue to help us work our differences out.

Bring us together in unity, Father God, and help us to always pray and seek your direction before we talk things through. Our lives, our marriage, our disagreements, are all in your capable hands. And I thank you.


Ephesians 4:1-3